Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Semester of Lasts

Here we go. Last semester of my college experience. Last semester at Drake. Last semester in the dorms. Last semester picking classes and reading politics books and writing poetry and getting graded on it all. Last semester eating dorm food. Last semester of so many things.

Last 4 months with these amazing people. Last 4 months in this amazing city (which I complain about a lot but love in some weird sentimental way). Last 4 months with these professors. Last 4 months in the safety shadow of this little school I love so much.

So many lasts. And while I know that these 4 months are going to be long, I have this weird scary feeling that they won't be and that someday I'm going to blink and these will all be gone and these lasts will be so far in the past that they were just a dream.

I know that all the lasts will open doors to firsts, like my first job and my first home. Eventually, there'll be my first car that I buy with my money and the first dinner that I host. My first cat, my first set of real dishes (more than two pieces of which will be identical... unlike now), my first... everything.

But there's still something terribly terrifying about all of this. I'm expected to journey straight from lasts to firsts, but that transition seems like such a harsh one. Going from high school to college, the focus was the same: go to class. My mom always told me that school was my number one priority. Even if I was frustrated with making new friends or being uncomfortable with the food or being homesick... it didn't matter, because I was here to go to class, first and foremost. Everything else was secondary. Quickly (although at the time, it seemed slowly), I made new friends, grew to love my independence, and the homesickness subsided, and even though I knew that school was  (is, really) my main priority, everything else was important too, and everything else made (and is making) my experience here so completely worthwhile. But that comfort of class and the academic routine helped with that transition, and this next transition is going to be different. What is my main priority now? This is my life. It isn't a game. It isn't 100% about a job and school, but in many ways, that is a main mental focus. And what about my heart? I have a deep love and passion for school and academics, and that's partly why, I believe, my mother  told me to focus on that when I was having a hard time. But that's not going to be possible anymore. I guess it's just interesting. I feel so rooted in this path right now, but at the end of these 4 months, this canyon I've been walking in is going to level out and it's going to be wide open something or other. Maybe desert. Maybe jungle. I don't know. And I'm so excited. But so terrified. And so amazed at what life has offered me so far. I just don't know how to feel. I hate change. I'm notorious for hating change. What do I do with this now? What do I do with these lasts? How do you prepare for so many lasts? How do you savor these last cozy months in the big tall canyon?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy 2011

First post of 2011. Here we go.

There's a lot going on this year.

My sister is getting married.
I'm graduating (!).
I will potentially (read: HOPEFULLY) get a big kid job.

So I thought I'd set my new year's resolutions accordingly:
1. Accept change with patience, understanding, and optimism.
2. Be ready.

Whenever I come home, waves of nostalgia rush over me, and I find myself navigating between the world of big kid and young daughter so much more than usual. When I'm at home, people care what time I'm home at night, someone else cooks me dinner, and it's someone else's house. I don't feel like a guest at home, but I do feel a little less entitlement than I do when I'm away. That's not a bad thing at all, it's just different, and it takes a bit of getting used to. On one hand, it's so nice to be home, to feel taken care of, and to have home-cooked meals. On the other hand, though, I find myself yearning for my independence and to go back to school where I know no one's watching my every move. It's when I'm home that I can't help but think so much about these upcoming months. I'm graduating.

... graduating.

I don't know if its the weird back-to-a-kid feeling I get when I'm home or the realization that my kid room is so far back in my past and so different from who I am now that makes me just shocked at the thought of graduating. Or of my sister getting married. Things are changing. And all I can think is wow.

I'm not a big one for resolutions, but I'm going to truly attempt to stick to these ones. Everyone knows I have a problem with change. I don't deal with it well. I never have. I'm addicted to home and the past and the way things are, and I'm terrified of these being the last moments of life as-is. But I'm starting to realize how inevitable this all is--I can't just NOT graduate... my sister IS getting married. And I'm happy about those things, but I want to stay happy even up to the moment it happens. There's SO much yet to come, and I'm genuinely excited about it all... I just want to stay that way, even as it gets closer. I want to stay as ready for all those moments as I am right now.