I started this blog in high school. I was mad at a boy, and I wanted a way to say what I needed to say. I didn't tell anyone about it, didn't put my name on it, didn't put his name in it, and essentially it was secret. I used a secret name and said nothing specific. No details that would hint at anything. But somehow, it made me feel better to put my thoughts and my pain into this vacuum of the web so it would be somewhere. I had this idea in my head that someone somewhere was reading it and that that someone understood what I was going through, or at least had some sort of sympathy for me.
Eventually, the boy became an issue of little concern, and I started posting about struggles I had in other areas of my life--religion, family, and my own personal struggles. Fast-forward to college. I'm a journalism and writing double major. Both curricula require me to share my story--make myself vulnerable. So here I am. This isn't a secret anymore. Here's my life. My collection of random thoughts, poems, and perspectives on everything. Enjoy.
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