To know a friend is gone from this world and has passed on to the next is a terrible thing to know. RIP Friend. My first college "dance" goes to you.
This was a weekend full of ups and downs. It snowed again. A beautiful fresh snow that came down like the flakes in a snowglobe. I went out at 11 PM Saturday night with two friends of mine and we just sat there and caught snowflakes on our tongues. It sounds ridiculous. It probably was. But it was beautiful, and I can honestly say it was one of my favorite memories of this year. We went sledding, lost my friend's white phone in the snow and found it 20 minutes later. What luck!
Things aren't always so bad. And sometimes they are. It's a part of life, I think. And it makes you wonder how we make it through without losing our minds. There's sledding and there's loss. How can those two even match up to each other on any level? How are they comparable in any world?
Words are failing me. I don't know what the point of sledding this weekend was. I was supposed to be wrapped up in homework, pissed off at the world for reasons that don't need to be mentioned. But instead, I accidentally put my work hours in the sub log, had nothing to do at 9 PM on a Saturday night and found myself laughing hysterically in shin-deep snow with two girls I haven't had a chance to hang out with much this year. How is that possible? That something as simple as snow and laughter can make loss a little more okay?
The mysteries of the world, man. I will never understand them.
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