Guess who's home? In the same state as the boy and her family? This girl!
Guess who had to clean up her desk because mom wants to redo it? Empty nest syndrome my arse. Anyhoo. Here's what resulted. (PS: I'm slightly coming down with something maybe possibly and can't focus quite the way I intended, therefore, this is kinda' sparse, I'm afraid, but hopefully somewhat amusing? Maybe?)
Also: shout out to the lovely Audrey, who gave me the most comfortable PJ pants EVER, which I was wearing until a second ago when I changed because the boy is coming over and I thought maybe I'd put on real pants. But STILL. They rock. And I have a picture, but it's on my phone which is upstairs and not with its phone card converter uploader thingy. So that will come later. But follow her blog! She's going to Spain in less than a month! Be jealous!
Here begins a tiny smattering of finds from cleaning up the Jess-Mess:
End of story. End of post. Enjoy.
Guess who had to clean up her desk because mom wants to redo it? Empty nest syndrome my arse. Anyhoo. Here's what resulted. (PS: I'm slightly coming down with something maybe possibly and can't focus quite the way I intended, therefore, this is kinda' sparse, I'm afraid, but hopefully somewhat amusing? Maybe?)
Also: shout out to the lovely Audrey, who gave me the most comfortable PJ pants EVER, which I was wearing until a second ago when I changed because the boy is coming over and I thought maybe I'd put on real pants. But STILL. They rock. And I have a picture, but it's on my phone which is upstairs and not with its phone card converter uploader thingy. So that will come later. But follow her blog! She's going to Spain in less than a month! Be jealous!
Here begins a tiny smattering of finds from cleaning up the Jess-Mess:
First: the dog.
The sad thing is, I made this dog my senior year of high school. Maybe you're thinking, "it's not THAT bad--its eyes are just a little weird." But you're wrong.
What you didn't see is that this dog lives in a hat. Why? Because I realized that I can't sculpt dog bodies. The awesome part? My teacher thought it was creative. Nevermind that my hat is the lumpiest hat I've ever seen. Also, please ignore my awkward smile.
The sad thing is that this next creation is ALSO from my senior year of high school, which was only a few short years ago. Hence, I realize that you thought you were gonna' see cute little-kid things, but most of those are hidden way away somewhere. Now I just have shit that I thought was cool that's really not. Anyways. This is a cup. Looks innocent enough, right?
Until you see the inside, where for some reason I felt the need to make it look bloody. Who wants a drink of blood? Anybody? Didn't think so. Luckily, there's a bloodless plate that matches.
I didn't make this. But I was wondering: what is it? I got it as a gift one year, and I'm still not sure what exactly I'm supposed to do with it. It LOOKS like some kind of bath soaper-upper apparatus, but that netting stuff on it is scratchy and I don't think I'd want to use that in the shower. Whatever. I just thought I'd throw that out here and ask what it is.
This reads: "oh my! a spill!" I don't know why I felt the need to draw that. I'm pretty sure that was from middle school at the latest. I just... a spill? Really?
This is an incredibly awkward drawing of homeostasis.
DRAGON!!! ... I don't know why his belly is so spiky/fuzzy. Weird.
This is a book I wrote when I was 9 I believe. It's called, "The Adventures of Marcy."
This is my favorite part. It says: "This is dedicated to my teacher--who taught me very skilled things." Gotta' love those teachers that teach you skilled things.
Last but not least I shall leave you with the beginning of a short story I wrote. (It doesn't have an end. Or a middle for that matter. This is it.) It must have been early high school or something because my cursive was good, but I don't recall ever being into sci-fi or environmental stuff like this. Whatever. Here goes:
The DEMISE of UMAY! (Universal Monarchy of Angry Youth)
(UMAY vs. Ozonautical Optimists Club!)
Zooming through the asteroid belt at light speed is a rare treat for a young child living on Pluto, but, it is in fact, an even rarer treat for a 128 year old man. Even though life expectancy exploded to the century and a half mark fifty years ago, not many people this old can be found hanging out in the non-terrestrial vaccum of air that is the space in Outer, sector 9132 of the Universal Monarchy of Angry Youth (UMAY). Most of the senior population of the Universe chose to remain near the sun and in the Milky Way Galaxy when the new Biniverse opened up in May of 4125. The UMAY faced opposition from many organized groups of Universal Seniors, especially the Ozonautical Optimists Club, which claimed that if the UMAY continued to promote personal Rockships as the primary mode of transportation, not only would the Spacebus program lose millions of dollars for the Save the Earthan Landfill campaign, but the surplus exhaust from personal Rockships would cause Mars’ ozone layer to suffer the same fate as that of the Earthan Landfill which was destroyed over 2,000 years ago.
End of story. End of post. Enjoy.
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