Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Life As I Currently Know It

I've been taking notes about the interesting (ish) things that have happened to me (EDIT: not that interesting. sorry.) that I want to write about. Oh! And I took a picture on my phone I need to upload. If you're tired of my phone pictures, feel free to send me a smart phone. I don't mind.

Here's my list (written on the hand of yours truly). I will explain further later.

  • leggings (I like calling them leggings. But some people call them leggins What's the real term? Gah.) 
  • responsible coat
  • disaster area
  • Cee Lo

(from: http://www.amazon.com/American-Apparel
Leggings: I have discovered the secret to true happiness. Wearing leggings under pants. Specifically under sweatpants, but it works under jeans too. Leggings are WARM when you're cold and the windchill is in the single digits like it has been (but currently it is 10! woo! double digits!). Also, you know how when you shave your legs and put on sweat pants, it feels really really good because your legs are smooth and your sweatpants are fuzzy? I don't know why or how, but wearing leggings under sweatpants feels like that. 
Long Underwear
(from: http://www.kaboodle.com/reviews/ladies-

Also. People. Essentially leggings are the same as long underwear. Look at the pictures. Long underwear. Leggings. SAME THING. I'm not fashionable or trendy and I'm not gonna' lie and say that I don't think leggings are cute with a pair of Uggs under a dress, but there's a reason you're cold if all you're wearing are leggings. The windchill is 5. You're just wearing underwear. Think about it. 

Responsible coat: This is not to say that my coat itself is responsible, but I was going to write about how my mother would be so proud of me to know that I've actually been wearing my winter coat lately. You know that weirdo that every college campus has who wears flip-flops, shorts, and teeshirts in winter? Well, I don't go THAT far (though I did wear flip flops out in the snow frequently when I lived 30 seconds from the dining hall), but I usually just wear hoodies, sweats, and boots. No coat. I don't know what exactly my point is here other than that maybe there's hope for me being a responsible adult someday because dang it I've been wearing my coat! Go me! 

Disaster area: This is supposed to be accompanied with a before and after picture of my room. Except I have no before picture and no after picture YET. Before and after what you might add? Dead week. Zombie week. Gah. My room USED to look like a tornado sight. NOW it looks like a tornado attacked a town and THEn zombie monsters that like to read came and set up camp. And they like to eat clementines. And. Okay, this isn't funny. I keep trying to think up a good analogy for how bad my room looks. I need a picture. Sorry for this pointless paragraph. 

EDIT: I just tried to take a picture. And realized it was scary embarrassing how messy my room is. It's not dirty or anything-- it's just so dang cluttered. I have papers EVERYWHERE and five jillion pairs of shoes. I don't know where I got so many shoes. Anyone that knows me knows I'm not even much of a shoe girl. 

Cee Lo: My professor played Cee Lo's hit song the name of which I don't want to mention in this blog. I know I said penis once, but the F word is a tad different. And I don't want you to have to click through a series of things saying that you understand I have "adult content" on my blog, because I really don't. In fact, I believe my blog illustrates the epitome of anti-adult-hood. Though maybe not in the sense that Blogger means. I make no sense. Shutting up about Cee Lo now. I just thought it was sweet that she did that. Also, our entire lecture was about obscenity and profanity, and did you know that in Spanish, it is apparently an insult/recognized phrase to say "My donkey knows more than you?" 


Kirsten said...

Here in South Bend we learn about leggings under pants during freshman year. My friend and I have designated days that merit this method "two-pants days".

Also it's been snowing here for three days straight, and I wish I could share it with you cause I know you would like it :)

Love coming your way! Kirsten

Jessie said...

LOVE it, Kirsten. Haha--I used to have flannel-lined pants. But I always lived so close to everything and our campus is so small that I just lived with it. Enjoy the snow! I'm mondo jealous. It's GOT to come here soon enough. It's just weird because we normally have snow covering the ground from Thanksgiving to March-ish. It's very late in coming. At this point, I'm afraid it's going to snow during finals week and keep us all from getting home when we want to (knock on wood though).

Love coming your way too! Best of luck on finals! :)