Friday, December 3, 2010

Posting makes me feel productive

Hello dead week. It is officially the weekend before dead week, which in my mind is the legitimate START of dead week because all of campus is in study mode. Except for all those people on my floor that went out last night. And all the people who updated their facebook statuses to say they were going out. Ok, I'm going to PRETEND that all of campus is in study mode, because otherwise I'll feel even worse about myself because *I* am studying all weekend. Except for now of course. And those couple of moments I took breaks last night to play snake.

Yes. You heard me right. Snake. Do you remember this game? It was awesome. Back in the good ole days-- sayyy 2005, it was on my cell phone. Which means you probably haven't had it on YOUR cell phone since 2003. I didn't get a color phone until 06 or 07. ANYHOO. Snake was the best game ever. That was my point.

I just think dead week needs to be renamed. Can you really call it anything more depressing? I know that in the heads of some people dead week is supposed to mean dead as in no active assignments or tests due that week, etc, etc, but in reality the dead refers to the students... not the classes. I feel like my impending papers, projects, presentations and tests are slowly killing me with a meat cleaver. By the end of the week I will appropriately be dead. My sister (who has agreed to guest blog over winter break! YAY! about parasites! YAY!) agrees with me--or rather I agree with her, since she first mentioned it when I said, "hey what should I blog about?" (hint: if you have anything I should blog about give me a shout out).

Anyhoo. I therefore propose that we rename finals week: Zombie Week. First comes death. Then comes zombification. YAY. Then Christmas. (PS: this zombie wants THIS  [belowwwww] for Christmas).

picture from:
Isn't he just adorable? AHHHH so cute. So much cuter than this:

pic from:
Which is what it would look like if it went to college and had Zombie Week too. This is why cats don't go to college. In case you were wondering (I know you were). 

Lo siento para la pointless post. Must get back to writing papers/slowly getting killed by a meat cleaver.

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